For our February half-term, the whole family went skiing in France. Before mom and dad blog about the stuff we did, I thought I would take a turn at telling you how way cool my daddy is. We all now know how to ski (including mom) and on this trip, he taught me all kinds of cool things. So you know, here is a picture of me and dad at our favorite place to eat in Chamonix, it is called 'The Cave' and it is over 300 years old.
Lesson one: Be careful when you walk on ice in ski boots. Dad warned me that you have to be careful when you are walking. To teach me a lesson, he decided that he would fall on the ice in front of all the people at my ski school.
Lesson two: math and physics on the ski slope. For this lesson, he mentioned something about every action has an equal and opposite reaction. He then wanted me to do some calculations. I had to ask for more help. The story problem goes like this. If a 220 pound American is going down a red slope at probably 20 miles an hour and hits a 4 year old french girl that weighs probably 40 pounds. How far does she travel. Turns out this is a trick question. When dad hit her, she flew about 10 meters. Her skis flew 20 meters. Her poles flew farther. Actually, when you get down to it, the side of the slope looked like a yard sale for ski equipment so I really can't answer that question.
Lesson three: After you almost kill a 4 year old French girl,
be nice. Help her pick up all her stuff and put herself back together.
Lesson four: Laughter makes people happy. To do this, dad decided he would fall down one day on the bus. He probably made people from 8 different countries laugh. I am glad he is so friendly and made people so happy. We had a side lesson where we learned about colors. To paint the picture, you have to imagine the color of the banana that you left uneaten in your lunch box. If it was a Friday and your mum didn't find it until Monday morning, it is nice and black and brown and mushy. That was the color of dad's bum after his fall on the bus. The whole family had a good laugh over it.
Lesson five: Independence. This was one of those really tough love lessons. Kind of like teaching a kid to swim by throwing him in a pool. Dad must have decided it was time for me to learn how to ride a chairlift on my own. He decided that he would pick the longest high speed quad we had ridden. It was just the two of us in lift line and he helped me on then as the lift was just heading out of the lift station, dad decided he would fall off so I would have to do the rest by myself. It scared me at first but then I saw the nice lift operator helping dad out of the big pile of snow and dad seemed OK. I then had to pull the safety bar down all by myself and then lift it again at the top of the mountain. Mom and dad were real proud of me.
I am glad my dad is so cool and taught me all these lessons. He said he hopes that he doesn't have to teach me any more skiing lessons because he is still sore from all the lessons from this last week. Plus, mom is laughing at his bum and dad said he doesn't want to practice lesson four anymore.